Soil compaction? Try these 7 kinds of "natural soil loosening agents", which every household has. Th





Soil compaction? Try these 7 kinds of "natural soil loosening agents", which every household has. They are green and safe, making the soil more fertile and costing basically nothing.

Soil is the foundation for plant growth. Only when the foundation is stable can plants thrive and bear abundant fruits.

There is a good saying: "When the soil is alive, all things grow; when the heart is diligent, the garden will not be barren." The quality of the soil directly determines the life and death of vegetables. Nutrition is absorbed through the root system, and once the soil becomes compacted, it becomes difficult to even breathe, let alone grow and develop.

The roots can't stretch out, the absorption of nutrients is slow, and the plants grow thin and weak, which is heart-wrenching to look at. Fanmimi will share with you how to easily solve the problem of soil compaction with those seemingly insignificant "treasures" at home, and give the land a free SPA to rejuvenate it. Maybe not every item mentioned below is available at home, but surely several can be found! 



Eggshells should be available in most households.

Many vegetable-growing friends in the Fanmimi vegetable-growing group also like to use eggshells. If you don't have a large quantity at home, it's okay. You can find them outside. For example, the method of the following vegetable-growing friends.


There are quite a lot of eggshells at the pancake stand, and there are also many at the cake shop. For the bosses, they are all to be thrown away, and they are generally willing to give them. You can also buy something frequently and do some business, and the bosses will like it even more.

Before using eggshells, they should be cleaned to remove residual egg liquid and bacteria, and then dried or baked. This can avoid introducing unnecessary impurities and pathogens during use.

Recommended related article reading by Fanmimi: "Don't throw away 'eggshells'. They are the most environmentally friendly 'calcium, phosphorus and potassium' fertilizer, but many people 'use them wrongly'"


Decayed leaf soil

When leaves are falling in autumn, don't rush to sweep away those seemingly useless leaves. Collect them and pile them up. After a period of natural fermentation, they will become decayed leaf soil.

This is simply the "super food" in the soil, rich in organic matter, which can significantly improve the air permeability and water retention capacity of the soil. As the ancients said: "Falling red is not heartless; it turns into spring mud to protect flowers more." This is exactly the truth.



This is generally available at home. The peels left when eating fruits (such as banana peels), chopped and buried in the soil or made into liquid fertilizer for watering are all excellent choices.

These peels contain various vitamins and minerals, adding additional nutrients to the soil, promoting microbial activities, accelerating the decomposition of organic matter, and making the soil more loose and breathable.


Coffee grounds

For coffee lovers, there will be some coffee grounds every day. Don't throw away these coffee grounds. They are very good natural soil loosening agents! Coffee grounds contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can provide nutrients for the soil.

At the same time, coffee grounds also have good air permeability and water retention capacity, which can improve the soil structure. After drying the coffee grounds and scattering them on the soil surface or mixing them with the soil, the soil can become more loose. Coffee grounds are like the nutritionists of the soil, providing rich nutrition for the soil and making vegetables grow more vigorously.


Pine needles

Pine needles are the leaves of pine trees. After they fall to the ground and decay for a long time, they will become a very good natural soil loosening agent. Pine needles are rich in organic matter and acidic substances, which can adjust the pH of the soil and make the soil more loose and breathable.

Collect the pine needles, dry them in the sun, and then spread them on the soil surface or mix them with the soil to achieve the effect of loosening the soil. Pine needles are like the magicians of the soil, bringing magical changes to the soil and making vegetables vibrant.

Recommended related article reading by Fanmimi: "Cover the 'planted vegetables' with a layer of 'pine needles', and there are quite a few benefits. Don't be afraid of water shortage in hot summers, the soil is looser, and the vegetables grow better"


Sawdust and rice husks

If there is sawdust from tree pruning or rice husks at home, they can also be used as soil loosening materials. They are light in texture and have good water absorption. Adding them to the soil can help adjust the humidity and prevent excessive water loss.


However, it should be noted that fresh sawdust may affect the nitrogen balance in the soil. It is best to undergo sufficient decomposition treatment before use.

Recommended related article reading by Fanmimi: "The soil for vegetable planting is compacted? Try adding this 'soil improvement' artifact. A few yuan can buy a large bag. It is environmentally friendly, cheap and easy to use"


Coconut coir

In addition to the above several natural soil loosening agents, there is also a good thing that costs money but is not expensive, that is coconut coir. Coconut coir is the fiber powder of coconut shells, which has good air permeability and water retention capacity and can improve the soil structure.


However, when buying coconut coir, be careful of inferior coconut coir. Because there is too much salt in inferior coconut coir, it will have adverse effects on the growth of vegetables. Therefore, when buying coconut coir, choose a regular channel to purchase to ensure the quality of the coconut coir.

Look, the little things in life, with a little utilization, can become artifacts for improving the soil. There is no need to spend a lot of money or go to great lengths. Just have a heart that loves nature and a pair of eyes that are good at discovery. 





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